The ACOUSTIC CONTAMINATION causes many argumentations. In order to preserve the acoustic comfort, it is necessary to attend with special manufactured articles projected to sound proof the sound source; nowdays, by using the phonometric new fittings, we are able to operate with extreme precision in choosing the correct materials and techniques.
Proofing sound instruments operate on the sound's trasmission way and generally consist in the application of these fundamentals:
- acoustic insulation
- absorption
- solid bodies vibration reduction
- vibration damping
We can offer different solutions:
- Sound proofing of plants
- Sound proofing of fans
- Sound proofing of air flows
- Soundproofing barriers
- Acoustic noise barriers
- Sound captation barriers inside and outside buildings
- Silent cabins
- Silent cabins for segregation machinery
- Acoustic rooms
- Anechoic rooms
- Reverberation rooms
- Silent rooms
- Soundproof containers
- Thermal & acoustic insulation
- Acoustic ceilings
- Industrial Soundproofing
- Soundproofing walls
- Panels baffless
- Deadening
- Silent walls
- silent door
- Absorbing coatings
- Silent Screen
- Silencers for fans, cooling towers, capacitors, compressors