An air conditioning plant, properly optimized , as well as create a comfortable, increases your productivity and save energy.

Why not check it?

Our company can offer check operation on the following systems:
- - air conditioning
- - suction plants
- - electronic controls, pneumatic and digital
- - Indices of renewal air
- - Filtration of the treated air
- - Temperature and Relative Humidity
- - Pressure and vacuum inside atmosphere
- - Air speed input
- - Air Quality

The checks will be performed by our professional technician, that will analyse the plant and will be able to give practical and technical advices.
The test as well as allowing our company to meet new potential customers, will allow you to detect any malfunctions.

Our Equipment (certificated):
Portable instrumentation for the acquisition, display, storage and processing of environmental values LSI model BABUC \M RS 232 Matr. 2010\00
- Air temperature, surfaces, fluids, fumes
- Average radiant temperature
- Humidity
- Speed of air flows ( in pipes, vents, ambients ), number of air replacement in neighboring environment
- Speed of rotation (motors and fans) 
- Air differential pressure
- Thermal insulation of walls (coefficient K)
- Air quality (CO2 concentration, CO, etc.)
- Thermal comfort indices (operating temperature, PMV-PPD)
- Heat stress index (WBGT, HSI, ITS, SWreq, Ereq, DLE, ecc)
- Noise
- Illuminance
- Meteorological parameters (temperature, humidity, wind solar radiation) 

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